==  Since 2024-08-02 to Fri Aug  9 01:26:05 UTC 2024  ==
project external/hosts/
7ebdf6905 Unset a release-it config item.
25a5b38b8 Release 3.14.95
379078a69 Release 3.14.94
f61cbb376 Update release-it.json.
c5e210acd Updates from BigDargon, URLHaus, someonewhocares.org, and KADhosts.
8bb5a4f6e Release 3.14.93
dc2a615fb Updates fron BigDargon, URLHaus, someonewhocares.org, KADhosts, and hostsVN.
e2ab86e3c Release 3.14.92
14d3a2749 Updates from BigDargon, URLHaus, KADhosts, and hostsVN.


Generated by out2html version 0.15.12. Copyright 2011-2015: Qball Cow <qball@gmpclient.org>