==  Since 2024-07-12 to Fri Jul 19 01:25:53 UTC 2024  ==
project external/hosts/
87af2c503 Release 3.14.88
538826aa1 Updates from BigDargon, URLHaus, someonewhocares.org, and KADhosts.
23a08642d Release 3.14.87
bb3ca9777 Updates from BigDargon, URLHaus, someonewhocares.org, KADhosts, and hostsVN.

project packages/modules/StatsD/
704fc6ce [statsd] Make executor thread a class member of MultiConditionTrigger

project packages/providers/MediaProvider/
0df86e35 Prevent insertion in other users storage volumes

project system/bt/
fb268a6fb Fix an authentication bypass bug in SMP

project vendor/qcom/opensource/commonsys/system/bt/
7ce097214 Fix an authentication bypass bug in SMP


Generated by out2html version 0.15.12. Copyright 2011-2015: Qball Cow <qball@gmpclient.org>