==  Since 2024-07-05 to Fri Jul 12 01:25:51 UTC 2024  ==
project external/hosts/
d5b8593c9 Release 3.14.86
153478eb7 Updates from Sinfonietta, URLHaus, and KADhosts.
67448bdb8 Release 3.14.85
796e33034 Updates from BigDargon, URLHaus, KADhosts, and hostsVN.
7d8475ddb Issue #2679: adding addsco.re domains.
56e065559 Merge pull request #2686 from Gailima0/patch-1
f408b8eec Update hosts

project packages/modules/Connectivity/
bd059e1bf Merge tag 'android-12.1.0_r7' into s12.1


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