==  Since 2024-06-14 to Fri Jun 21 01:24:16 UTC 2024  ==
project external/hosts/
560c37e5a Release 3.14.79
d39c2605e Updates from BigDargon, URLHaus, someonewhocares.org, KADhosts, and hostsVN.
4f3234759 Issue #2668: fix — drop the shady-hosts list.
27026be6e Release 3.14.78
92aa6fe18 Updates from BigDargon, URLHaus, KADhosts, and HostsVN.
7f5a0b2ca Release 3.14.77
7b30fb2b7 Updates from BigDargon, URLHaus, someonewhocares.org, KADhosts, and hostsVN.


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